Wednesday 7 January 2009

Day........god knows!!

Tis the new year!!!!! Not much has happened since my last post. Spent most of the xmas holidays suffering from the dreaded Lurgy that seemed to infect the entire population but regardless the holidays were good!
This is my 3rd day back at the claverhouse group. Not long to go now till i finish. Yesterday i sat my digital literacy test and passed!! whoo-hoo!!! So thats something else to add to my ever impressive CV(detect the sarcasm if you can) and tonight i get back to work with my main band HANNEY after a months break for the festivities. Looking forward to it. Will be good to get back to doing something musicaly productive. Will also discuss with the other band members what we aim to do this year and hopefully set some goals for ourselves to achieve........

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Day 7/8....maybe 9?? canna mind!

Still here at The Claverhouse Group. Theres not been much happening as Kieran is off on holiday. So will try and add some crap to me page to fill up sum time and unfortunately, time does certainly drag at this place.................

Thursday 4 December 2008

Day- who cares????

Back up at claverhouse after a day of being ill and am so bored its not even funny. Not much to do at the mo. However while i was off ill i did manage to find a RSS feed for me page and As you may notice, have added a widget which displays my xbox live gamer card.

Monday 1 December 2008

Day 6

Been asked to upload a RSS feed to my page but am currently havin difficulty finding a feed that works. Might have more luck using my comp at home.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Day 4

Tis the 4th day o blogging!!! Wel last night i had practice with one of the bands that i play in. Was not a very productive night i must say. Usualy, wed nights are filled with noise making, ideas and discussions of what our next step as a band should be, but last night not much happened at all. I think at the moment we have reached a "stumbling block" so to speak. For the last 2 months or so we have been trying to write some new material for the band and were makin good progress but recently things have been slowing down considerably. The songs are nearly finished but we feel that there is still something lacking. As frustrating as it is, this does tend to happen from time to time. The best thing to do is not to force such creative endevours as inevitabley you wont be happy with the end result. So i think we as a band are going to put these new tracks on the "back burner" for a few weeks and then see if we can find some new inspiration to complete them. In the mean time, we have a few gigs coming up very soon so will concentrate on practicing the material we are to play for these upcoming shows and once they are out of the way, we can hopefully go back to the unfinished tracks with a fresh outlook and ideas.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Day 3

We're being asked to upload photies n videos to oor blog to demonstrate we're capable o doin such things. I decided to fill meh page with drum orientated crap coz its one o the very few things that im interested in. I myself have been playin drums for the best part of 14 years and during that time i have been involved with numerous bands. Anyways, i thought i show ya some o the drummers that are a source of inspiration to me. They are all drum-demons within their own right. watch in awe............

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Day 2..........ken!!

Here we be!! Another day o fun n games. Another day at The Claverhouse group. Enthralling stuff i must say. Dunno what else to say really. No much to tell since yesterday.........same shit, different day.
Well...........thats yer lot.